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Designer Paul Smith will curate a blockbuster Picasso exhibition and London's Vagina Museum needs a new home.

Designer Paul Smith to Curate Picasso Show – The famed British designer has been invited by the Musée National Picasso-Paris to curate an exhibition around Pablo Picasso’s masterpieces to mark the 50th anniversary of artist’s death in 1973. Smith said he would bring “a more spontaneous and instinctive approach” in order to attract younger audiences, and those who are not familiar with Picasso’s work. The show opens on March 7 and runs through August 27.

Vagina Museum Seeks New Home – The London museum dedicated to the female anatomy has been told to leave its current site in Bethnal Green site, and tomorrow February 1 will be its last public opening day. The management is seeking a new home while maintaining its presence in the digital realm. is the recipient of this year’s award named for the eponymous mega-collector and philanthropist, which comes with a $25,000 unrestricted prize. The Miami-based artist was recently part of the Artists in Residence in Everglades program, where he explored the legacy of Black history in South Florida.

Ai Weiwei Plans Design-Focused Exhibition – The Chinese artist-activist will take over London’s Design Museum in April to stage exhibition “Ai Weiwei: Making Sense,” his biggest show in the U.K. in eight years. The show will feature new works and large scale installations including the artist’s five expansive “fields” that are made of objects from Stone Age tools to Lego bricks that Ai has been collecting since the 1990s.

In just about every article, interview, or press release written about Henry Taylor, he is described as “an artist’s artist.” No matter what that term actually means, it’s undoubtedly a compliment, but it cuts out the non-artist’s ability to appreciate and respect the man’s great talent.

If anything, Taylor is an artist of the people. He paints, sculpts, and draws them furiously, as evidenced by the extraordinary breadth of work on view in the career retrospective “Henry Taylor: B Side” on view at the Museum of Contemporary Art in the artist’s hometown of Los Angeles.

Taylor often focuses on African American subjects ranging from prominent industry figures in the art world, to celebrities like Miles Davis and Cecily Tyson, to victims of police violence. He is as likely to seek out a subject in the street as he is at a gallery or art fair. (Lucky visitors to his studio are also asked, impromptu, to pose.)

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Who will help the Musee d'Orsay with digital?
2. Macy
3. OpenAI



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A writer with an interesting attitude toward life. When you laugh, the whole world laughs with you, but when you cry, you are the only one in the world who cries. 有意思的寫手,有意思的人生態度,你笑,全世界都跟你笑;你哭,全世界只有你一個人哭。









LVMH Helped the Musee d'Orsay digital

Designer Paul Smith will curate a blockbuster Pica......





LVMH Helped the Musee d'Orsay digital

Designer Paul Smith will curate a blockbuster Pica......